
3 Reasons to Love the Mediterranean Diet

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3 Reasons to Love the Mediterranean Diet

Reason #1.  No Calorie Counting for Mediterranean Foods. Surprise!


Mediterranean diet contains less calories that means you can cut off a major calories per day. You won’t be worry about your weight gain anymore. For instance, most healthy Mediterranean foods focus on health benefits first like swapping bad fats for good ones, such as olive oil instead of butter or cheese, fish or poultry meats instead of red meat, mix fresh fruit instead of sugary, fancy desserts. These are the main reason why Mediterranean diets are healthy foods, particularly they always fill of of flavorful basics: vegetables and various beans. Several kinds of nut are a main ingredient, too. You don’t also worry about breads due to normally they use wholegrain breads instead of white breads.  

Reason #2. The Food Is Really Fresh.

In general, Mediterranean foods are fresh, you don’t hit a frozen and fast-food drive-thru. They always focus only on seasonal ingredients and fresh like fruits or veggies instead of frozen ones. Most of Mediterranean foods are prepared in simple mouth-watering ways. For example, make a yummy salad from fresh spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, and classic Greek ingredients like green or black olives and feta cheese.

Reason #3. You Can Have Bread.

You may think of white breads for Mediterranean diet. But you’re wrong, these days most of Mediterranean foods choose whole grains or pasta made with whole grains and nuts to have more protein, vitamins and minerals. So this is generally healthier than the white flour one, which means it won’t give you a excess sugar. Experts recommend try whole-grain pita bread mixed with virgin olive oil, hummus, or tahini, which is a protein-rich paste made from ground sesame seeds.

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