
Well-Being With 3 Colors

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Well-Being With 3 Colors



Some colors can create the signs of poor health. But there are three colors can have a positive effect on your feeling and health.

Red Plates

In 2012 study, in the journal Appetite, researchers have found that people who consumed less snack food by using red plates more than blue or white plates.

Green Exercise

Scientists found that cyclists wanted to ride in a green environment. The conditions were set with different colors. Green environment came first and gray environment came second. So try to do your exercise in a green hills or anywhere with a lot of greenery.

Blue Office

Can you believe color can make you feel want to work more? The research from the University of British Columbia’s business school have revealed that people who used computers with a blue background came up with more imaginative ideas. This maybe because the blue color is associated with serenity and openness.

As you know, being good health is just an easy from three colors. However, important rule, you should regular do exercise and eat low fat .


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