
3 Fatty Foods That You Should Eat

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Three Fatty Foods That You Should Eat

diet plan for weight loss

Want to lose 10 pounds before head down to the beach? Try these fatty foods on your diet plan. If so, remember that the lower fat you intake, the more fat you can burn. Therefor, you do need fat to see results. Fat is actually going to decrease hunger and stabilize the blood sugar levels, provide some nutrients you need, and make your food taste much better. Here are three fatty food you should deserve a place on your diet plan.


First place comes to Avocado

Avocado comes to the tops of the list, because this food is rich of vitamin E and also provides a good source of dietary fiber. It will make a nice creamy taste to any foods it’s prepared with.

Vitamin C and E are two critical antioxidants that can fend off free radical damage and lowering you risk of disease. They’ll also offer anti-inflammatory benefits as well, so this can help with fending off related conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Try adding avocado to your sandwiches on the side of your meals, or mix it into your healthy smoothy. Most people love it because it can work great other fruits as well.

avocado for heathy body

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil comes the second place because it is composed of a medium chain triglyceride

fat, which is a saturated fat, but a healthy one.The good thing about coconut oil is that it can break down much faster in the body. For your plan diet, you should cut down carbohydrate diets, this will help you reach your goals soon. Try to add coconut to your diet, it can help you avoid the energy slump. Coconut is not only help to boost your heart health, but also speed up your metabolism. Furthermore,  it improves tooth and bone health.

coconut oil for healthy skin and hair

Nuts and Almonds

Finally, Nuts and almonds are healthy fat-rich food to start getting in your diet more regularly. In particular, almonds are one of the most nutritious foods and also contain a good source of vitamin E, dietary fiber, some protein, which provide hunger protection.

When you eat nuts as a snack before your main meals, it can reduce the total amount of calories that you intake during that meal. In this case, it is really enhancing your fat loss efforts.

Moreover, almonds and nuts are a great source of unsaturated fats, which will help to reduce your cholesterol level and boost heart health activity.

Remember that you should avoid roasted, candied nuts and heavily salted. These won’t help you to reach the same degree of health benefits. So here are three of the top fat rich foods that you should consider to add to your diet plan. Serve these up on a daily basis and you will see surprisingly results.

Nuts and Almonds

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