
Hardcore Six Pack Ab Workout Fast!!!!!!

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Hardcore Six Pack Ab Workout – No Equipment Necessary. Guaranteed Results Fast!

Model: Julian Gabriel

Hey guys, as you can see from my previous video I’m on holiday in Thailand at the moment. Whilst I’ve been here its been tough to find a decent gym to train in. Therefore, I’ve been doing workouts all in my hotel room. The weather is beautiful here, over 40 degrees, too hot to work out in so I’ve opted for my air conditioned room to complete all my workouts in.

Get set for this intense workout designed to give you those sharp, aesthetic abs. This routine is great for beginners and advanced athletes because it can be tailored to everyone’s individual needs.

My best advice to achieving the most out of this workout is to do this routine after a weights or cardio session. Doing a intense weights or cardio workout first will spike the fat burning process. Adding this ab routine in at the end will allow you to shape and sculpt those abs more effectively.


5 Exercises;

  1. Plank
  2. Side plank
  3. C Sit
  4. Leg Raises
  5. Cross Overs

30 Seconds Each Exercise

Back to back
1 minute rest
Repeat 5 times

If your a beginner try and do the routine once,
If your experienced try and do the routine three times,
And if your an expert try five, six or seven repeats.

Work Hard!



For more articles on nutrition, recipes and general health and fitness head over to our website

Thanks For: http://truefitnessra.com/ for a good information, Picture from the internet

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