
3 Tips on How to Get a Six Pack

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3 Tips on How to Get a Six Pack

3 Tips on How to Get a Six Pack

“I want a flatter stomach, how do I get a six pack?” – It’s one of the most common questions posed to fitness trainers.  The answer is never easy, and it’s often not something that you want to hear.  Like get-rich-quick schemes, there’s no sure-fire way to get ripped abs in two weeks.  Or even three weeks.  If you want to know how to get a six pack, you need to be ready to work.

A lean midsection takes a combination of good nutrition, cardiovascular training and core training. For some, the quest of how to get a six pack also requires additional time trimming extra weight off the midsection.

If you want to tone up your core, follow these guidelines to transform your keg into a six pack

How to Get a Six Pack – Start with Nutrition

You can shorten the road to a six pack by turning your sites on better nutrition.  Eating healthy is essential to a good physique overall, especially for the abdominal region.  This area tends to be the first place where fat is deposited for a lot of people.

Eating processed foods and fast foods provides a lot of calories but leaves you lacking nutrients to fuel your body.  Eating natural, whole foods in small meals throughout the day provides high quality fuel that keeps your metabolism stoked throughout the day.  That gives you energy, stops you from overeating, and helps you burn more calories.

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How to Get a Six Pack Through Exercise

Exercise by itself is a great way to expend calories, but if you’re not monitoring your dietary intake then you’re going to be on a slow road to getting a six pack.  In order for your abdominal muscles to show through, where you have a visible six pack, you need to balance your exercise and your nutrition to trim off any excess fat.  Even a small amount of fat will prevent those muscles from showing.

The key is to combine cardiovascular conditions with strength training and balanced nutrition.  Whether you’re running, walking, taking dance classes, cycling, swimming, you need to mix in cardio to burn off calories and excess fat.

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More Ab Workouts Are Not the Answer

Some people think that heavy abdominal exercises are the key when they’re trying to get a six get. 
More is not necessarily better, especially when it comes to abdominal training.  You simply cannot reduce fat content with strength training alone. 

Abdominal muscles consist of three layers.  The deepest layer acts the body’s girdle and provides the support and stability.  The rectus abdominis is the middle layer, which helps flex the spine.  The closest to the surface is the internal and external obliques.  These turn the trunk and provide the body with rotation and lateral movement.  All these muscles work in the same way as the other muscle groups.  You wouldn’t over-train your biceps doing 100 curls to bulk up.  You can’t do this with your abs either.

If you want to know how to get a six pack, then retrain yourself to follow a consistent exercise regimen that is balanced – containing cardio, improved nutrition, and healthy strength training.

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Thanks For: http://www.sixpackfactory.com/how-to-get-a-six-pack-faster/

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